Choose Happy, by Doro Bush Koch

We are going through difficult times in our world.  And it's at times like this that even at 60 years old I wish I could pick up the phone and call my mom.  My mom ALWAYS had advice.  In fact you might even say my mom was bossy.  But now is a time we need bossy.  We need that person to tell us to stay home, to make our bed, to be productive, to help others and to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.  She would say think of the other person and find a way to help.  She would remind us that there is always a way to do good if you look hard enough. She would have a set of rules for the communal living we find ourselves in that would include:  continue to work hard, pick up your clothes and towels, read a good book, help in the kitchen, eat healthy food (but not too much!) and no matter what, treat each other kindly and love each other. And to reach out to those who are suffering, to those who are lonely and to pray.  To be fair, she would most likely be moaning about some of the bumbling going on in leadership, but she would quickly snap back with sound, sensible advice about getting through COVID-19.  She would most certainly say listen to Dr. Fauci and do your part.   

Mom would also know instinctively that everything will be okay.  Because her long life included a world war, the loss of a mother at an early age, as well as the loss of a baby girl. I miss my mom at a time like this because she was strong, wise and funny.  Even in the toughest times, her quick wit could lift spirits and lighten loads in an instant.  She could always find something to laugh about.

 During this uncertain time Mom would no doubt give her best advice of all which was:  “You can choose to like your life and be happy; or not like your life and be grumpy. Choose happy.”

As we enter another day of worry and unpredictability, let's take Mom's advice and choose happy.