Superfoods for Anxiety, By Lauren Bonner

It’s safe to say 2020 and 2021 have been consumed by COVID-19. As a result, anxiety has heightened and our health has struggled. It’s time for a change and the best way to do so is to start from the inside out. This summer we are taking care of our bodies and seeking nutrients that will reduce our anxiety. Where do we find these anti-anxiety and nutrient-dense powerhouses?! It is in the name...SUPERFOODS!

Superfoods are a perfect start to reduce stress. They are nutritionally dense foods that have amazing health benefits and compounds; such as antioxidants and fiber. Oftentimes people associate superfoods strictly with vegetables and fruits. While the majority of superfoods are plant-based, some fish and dairy products are considered to be superfoods as well. 

Salmon is one of the main superfoods that help reduce anxiety. It contains nutrients such as Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that help regulate and relax properties in your body. Other fatty fish are also a great source of omega-3; however, salmon and sardines are one of the few fish that contain fatty acids and Vitamin D. 

Yogurt is another great superfood for those anxious days because of all the healthy bacteria it contains. Fermentation is a hot topic right now and is the process that produces the bacterial formation of milk that becomes yogurt. This transformation of bacteria supports an anti-inflammatory diet that can decrease stress and depression.

Carbs can be a scary thought, but they don’t have to be! Carbohydrates actually help produce serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a hormone in the brain that stabilizes our mood and overall feelings of well-being. It is important to understand the types of carbs you are eating. Are they made of pure sugar, like candy and soft drinks? OR are they complex carbohydrates, like beans, grains, or legumes?  Complex carbs help maintain blood sugar spikes and have a place in any healthy, balanced diet.  Oatmeal is an amazing complex carb that helps balance those levels and ultimately, reduce your anxiety! 

On the last note, and probably the most obvious note, make sure to eat your dark green vegetables and berries! Both contain certain vitamins and minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, sugar balances, and anxiety. It’s important to incorporate these foods in your everyday diet and meals. Your body and brain will thank you.