Grab a Coloring Book! The Benefits of Coloring, by Lauren Bonner

With the ever-changing advances in technology, basic pen and paper coloring has been put on the back burner for activity ideas. However, coloring has a multitude of benefits for your health. Studies have shown that allotting time to color improves stress, sleep, fine motor skills, and vision.

To reduce anxiety, the first step is to relax the brain. Coloring serves as a great outlet for the mind. Your brain just has to focus on a simple task and your stressful thoughts can escape. Once your brain is relaxed, the activation in the center of your brain, called the amygdala, is lowered. The amygdala triggers the fight or flight response; therefore, when this is lowered, the brain is able to de-stress. 

When you’re coloring, you don’t think about your fingers doing much work. However, each time you color, you are improving your strength in your grip, fingers, and wrists. Because of these muscle benefits, coloring is often used as a children’s learning activity. But, that doesn’t mean coloring is limited to being a children’s activity! It’s important to always work those fine motor skills no matter your age. 

When using a coloring book where you are expected to draw inside the lines and choose your own colors, your vision is actually improving. You must focus and draw attention to the fine lines and details. This creative process opens your imagination and eye to design. 

Coloring isn’t for everyone but don’t knock it till you try it. This activity can open up new ideas and hobbies for you. The worst thing that can happen is your handwriting becomes a bit more precise!