Change is Hard: How Can We Deal with It?

The world is re-opening, re-closing, and re-opening again. We are in a constant state of back and forth, trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy. Change can be a common fear and that’s okay. What we can do is try to alter our mindset about those changes to help ease our minds. Whether you a starting a new job, a new school, a new relationship, or navigating your re-entry into the world post-pandemic, try to remember these few things:  

You have a clean slate. Change offers this new opportunity that is unknown. Oftentimes people find comfort in knowing what to expect but that expectation and anticipation can lead to disappointment. Having a clean slate provides a reset button where you can be bold and spontaneous.  

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Bottom line, change is scary. It helps to know that what you’re going through and feeling is completely normal and most people feel the same way. Try to reach out to your friends and family during this time because if they aren’t going through it now, they most likely have in the past.

In the scary moments, find humor. Laughter helps with almost everything. When thrown a curveball, you can feel instant relief when you find the humor in the situation. Not only does cracking a joke make you feel better, but also the people around you. 

Don’t try to predict the future. Stressing out about stressing out does no good for your mental health. And trust me, I’ve been guilty of it before but I try to remind myself that these stresses are out of my control. Taking deep breaths and believing that everything will work out the way it is supposed to helps immensely.  
Choose your values over your fears. Fear has this control of our minds that can be debilitating. It can ultimately get in the way of amazing opportunities. When it comes to changes in our lives, the fear can make you freeze up but reminding ourselves of our values can overpower those fears. Personal growth and new experiences can play a large role in our values as a person. Reminding ourselves of the amazing benefits can weaken those fears we have.