Zenka Caro - The Future is Better Than Ever, Hop In The Driver's Seat


Zenka is a futurist. She is a thought leader in the future of extended reality, virtual augmented in mixed reality, big picture thinking and exponential change.  She works as an advocate for collaboration tools and models which can allow humanity to flourish. 

In this podcast Zenka admits that people can feel outstripped by all the technology terminology coming through at such a fast pace, but she believes it’s important to remember that there is a brand new opportunity underfoot.   Even though it is easy to sit back, companies are actually listening to what we want as consumers. This is our chance to get into the driver’s seat, create a new precedent, and ask for everything we and our communities need to thrive in our lives. 

She argues, when we step back, things have never been better. We are living twice as long, women are offering a new balance to our decision making, and we have more than enough tools to solve even our biggest challenges.  The key is to come together to direct ourselves, rather than letting the technology or autopilot type inertia direct us.

In this interview you will learn about the power of our subconscious mind, meditation headsets, voice diagnostic AI, the power of heart and brain coherence, the human genome, and health trackers that give you a window into your emotions.  

Zenka believes everyone has a gift and a part to play in creating our new future - each little nudge and joyful creation helps get us there.

More From Zenka Caro

Website www.zenka.org

Linkedin Zenka

Instgram @hellozenka

Twitter @hellozenka

Facebook @hellozenka

Other Links Mentioned in the Podcast

NYU AI Accurately Diagnoses PTSD Using Voice Analysis

Muse Headsets: https://choosemuse.com/

Spire Health Tracker: https://spirehealth.com/

Apple Research Kit: https://www.apple.com/researchkit/

Peter Diamandis: https://www.diamandis.com/


Learn more about BB&R and Achieving Optimal Health Conference by visiting BBRconsulting.us

Show Notes

  • [02:51] Sometimes in studying the anomalies you find in life is where you can really dig in and find the gold of where to flip things. 

  • [03:59] One of our greatest jobs right now in the world is to really look around at all the capabilities that we now have, that we've never, ever had before, and then apply that toward a visualization that we want in the future, because if we can't imagine what we might want, then nobody can organize to make those solutions happen. 

  • [04:22] I think that the everyday person feels outstripped by all this new technology coming through. We don't know what gene splicing is. We don't know what a deep learning is. And so your brain kind of turns that off and you say, well, I can't understand that. 

  • [:04:53] But we need to realize as everyday people that all this technology is going to be in our hands and we don't have to know all the details to really leverage it to create the world we want.

  • [05:52] If we step back, we realize that if women, for example, are changing the world and that alone, that balance that's coming in right now is making the world better. 

  • [06:12] There's a masculine feminine energy in all of us. And until the world comes into a better balance with those ideas, we're not going to be able to create a regenerative co-operative world that we know is going to sustain us. 

  • [06:37] Just a couple hundred years ago, we were living half as long. There's so many things about the world that are getting better when we step back. 

  • [06:59] We spent three billion dollars in 2003 mapping the human genome. In 2001, it was one hundred million dollars to map one genome of a person. And today at the thousand dollars. In little over 10 years, we've gone from something costing 3 billion to it costing a thousand dollars. And that's across the board. Technology can be a very democratizing force in our health care and in our lives.

  • [07:39] We've got this cognitive surplus in the world of all these incredible people that are starting to contribute to the solutions. We know the problems of the world now. It's becoming very clear of where we need to become better. And now we're going to start putting the solutions in place. 

  • [08:45] Computers are stepping in to help us self organize into things that can make the world better. 

  • [08:53] Uber has a lot of problems in terms of how they're paying people, and that's also our job right now is to really create systems that benefit all the people partaking in the system. 

  • [09:19] Instead of having everything be designed by a CEO -- that might not even be using the product -- and hoping that it works down at the bottom, now we're designing things with the end user in mind. 

  • [09:37] In the end we're going to be able to create companies that thrive -- and that also support everybody within that ecosystem. And that's a new concept -- it's a new concept of cooperation, which we haven't seen before. 

  • [10:37] If you base your idea of the future on what happened in the last ten years, you're going to be so far off because change is happening in a scale that we could have never imagined before. 

  • [11:47] This is why I've dedicated my life to this, because we're not ready we're not ready for all these changes. We're not ready for how they're going to impact our jobs and our health and everything. 

  • [12:12] Well, someone is going to be driving here, either the technology or us, you know. And that's why it's important for us to really design our lives on an everyday basis of how we want to live it and also how we're best going to thrive.

  • [12:46] If there's no precedent to follow, we have to kind of look into our own lives and our own self and figure out what we want and what's going to make us satisfied and fulfilled.

  • [14:01] Our subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. And as you know, your subconscious mind is fed in your first six years of life. It's how you see the world. It's how you think about the world. And since our world is changing, that also needs to slowly change.

  • [15:02] It's more comfortable to be a sheep. I've discovered in my life I'd rather have someone tell me what to do in a way, because it's so much easier. But that's not going to work. 

  • [15:37] How do we change our habits -- habits are hard to change, because you're getting this constant stream of subconscious that's pulling you toward certain choices that you make. 

  • [16:00] I think that we're starting to look at the world more holistically. And when we think about health, that's one of the things that we're going to have to participate in our own education. We're going to have to participate in our own health. It's not going to be as easy as letting someone take care of it for you. 

  • [17:20] We're starting to realize that some of our physical ailments have to do with these emotional things that we carry with us. 

  • [18:01] There's a program that was developed where just listening to your voice, they can tell if you have PTSD within an eighty nine percent accuracy.

  • [18:25] AI's can understand patterns that we're falling into. 

  • [21:50] As everyday people, we need to step up and ask the companies for what we're going to be needing to be happy and healthy parents and contributors to the world. 

  • [22:40] And the privacy of your cell phone and all your health data is one thing that we need to be asking for right now.

  • [23:09] And it's our chance to really step in the driver's seat and say, what's the big picture, what we're doing and how do we want the world to be? 

  • [26:53] We're starting to realize that your heart rate variability can determine your life force or how long you're going to live. 

  • [28:52] I know that all the things that we need to solve our problems in this world -- for the climate -- and for A.I., we have all the resources we need. There is not a lack of resources. It's a lack of coming together to believing the solutions to putting our money into those ideas and kind of birthing those things into this world. 

  • [29:54] It's going to be beautiful because I think we're living in a time where we're really going to get a sense of the perspective and a sense that we have the tools that we need to make the world a really amazing place.

  • [30:19] We're able to coordinate with each other in a way that we never have before. We are connected. So the little pieces that each of us put in -- every podcast you put out, every conference you guys put out. All that is moving us toward this other way of thinking about things. It's ushering in these new possibilities and we're pulling together. 

  • [31:51] We're taking all these new theories about neuroscience and about our heart -- and now it's our chance to practice and move into that world. Don't let the tech terms scare you. Don't let them overwhelm you.

Thank you for joining us on HealthGig. We loved having you with us. We hope you'll tune in again next week. In the meantime, be sure to like and subscribe to this podcast, and follow us on healthgigpod.com.

“One of our greatest jobs right now in the world is to really look around at all the capabilities that we now have, that we've never ever had before, and then apply that toward a visualization that we want in the future, because if we can't imagine what we might want, then nobody can organize to make those solutions happen.” - Zenka Caro

But we need to realize as everyday people that all this technology is going to be in our hands and we don't have to know all the details to really leverage it to create the world we want.” - Zenka Caro

“Just a couple hundred years ago, we were living half as long. There's so many things about the world that are getting better when we step back.” - Zenka Caro

“In little over 10 years, we've gone from something costing 3 billion to it costing a thousand dollars. And that's across the board. Technology can be a very democratizing force in our health care and in our lives” - Zenka Caro

We've got this cognitive surplus in the world of all these incredible people that are starting to contribute to the solutions. We know the problems of the world now. It's becoming very clear of where we need to become better. And now we're going to start putting the solutions in place.” - Zenka Caro

“Well, someone is going to be driving here, either the technology or us. And that's why it's important for us to really design our lives on an everyday basis of how we want to live it and also how we're best going to thrive.” - Zenka Caro

“If there's no precedent to follow, we have to kind of look into our own lives and our own self and figure out what we want and what's going to make us satisfied and fulfilled.” - Zenka Caro

“Our subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. And as you know, your subconscious mind is fed in your first six years of life. It's how you see the world. It's how you think about the world. And since our world is changing, that also needs to slowly change.” - Zenka Caro

“It's more comfortable to be a sheep. I've discovered in my life I'd rather have someone tell me what to do in a way, because it's so much easier. But that's not going to work.” - Zenka Caro

“We're going to have to participate in our own health. It's not going to be as easy as letting someone take care of it for you.” - Zenka Caro


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