Discovering Holistic Healing and Spirituality with Dr. Allen Sussman

To begin the new year, hosts Doro and Tricia are joined by Dr. Allen Sussman, a renowned board-certified endocrinologist and author of “Saving the Art of Medicine.” Together, they embark on a transformative journey delving into the profound connections between mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Sussman shares his remarkable evolution from a bookish physician to a compassionate healer, offering valuable insights into holistic wellness. Tune in to explore the art of healing and harmonizing your life with this illuminating conversation.

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In the end, love and connection are all that count. - Allen Sussman, MD

I believe that all means of information and systems of belief need to be considered in a healthcare visit. - Allen Sussman, MD

Medicine is not about the book learning. It’s not about the information. Ultimately, it's about the relationship between me and the patient. - Allen Sussman, MD

Show Notes:

DR. ALLEN SUSSMAN: I spent a lot of time with evidence based medicine. I also had a research clinical research company and have been involved in hundreds of studies. So I am well versed and I'm not anti evidence based medicine. But there's an imbalance right now what's going on. And there's a misunderstanding about evidence based medicine. And that when people hear evidence based medicine that means that's what the truth is. And evidence based medicine comes from science. Science does not actually say what truth is. It actually looks to say what is false, what does not work. And every time you say something does not work, you get closer to understanding what it is. So you always have to have a little bit of humility with the information you have with evidence based medicine that it's different particulate matters of information that are important. But it's not the answer. It's a direction. It's a path in life. What you end up with is guidelines. With guidelines, guidelines say, uh, our group of experts that that together. And they look at the information and they say these are conclusions we're going to come to, but they're guidelines. A guideline is not saying what is definitely true. It is a way of looking at things.

DR. ALLEN SUSSMAN: So the importance of evidence based medicine is that it gives you some foundation, but what it doesn't do is give you the truth. It gives you a way of looking at things. And the problem with evidence based medicine is it's based on objectivity. Well, when you really think of it, it's pretty hard for human beings doing a study to be absolute objective. They have their own biases of what's going on. Sometimes they believe in the certain belief system, and so they only look at things in a certain way and not in others. So it has to be put in a relative situation. So there's biases is one important thing. Another thing just in general is what's called outcome bias, which means when you look at journals and you look at the articles that are there, what do they want to publish? Well, articles that support their point of view. If they're doing work that doesn't, they're not as excited about reporting it like the news media too, right. It has to be something more sensational that gets there, not the ordinary. And so you get biases is what goes on with it.


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