AJ Jacobs - Three Words to Remember When you Are Feeling Down - Humor Author

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In this episode we talk with AJ Jacobs, who has written four best-selling books, including The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. He is so funny. Really hilarious. The thing about him, though, is that he leaves you with really useful messages! Yes, his books are so well-researched. He’s a dear friend, and he also came to our Achieving Optimal Health Conference to talk about his book Drop Dead Healthy.

We’re so happy to share his views on living from your heart, his quest for radical self-improvement (his term) and the three words he thinks of when he starts feeling down. Ooooh, those would me make feel better too! His message of positivity and gratefulness is so wonderful, and we think you’re going to enjoy our conversation. We’ll check back in with you at the end of the program.





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This podcast was sponsored by Aetna.

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