Krista Tippett - The Connective Tissue Is What Shows Us What’s Possible - On Being
PodcastadminHealth Gig, Doro Bush Koch, podcast, learner, adaptation, On Being, Krista Tippett, ElizabethAlexander, CivilConversationsProject, GabrielleGiffords, groundingvirtues, waves of being, holistic medicine, holistic, shawdowside, ecosystem, love, love poems to God, social technology, hospitality
Susan Orlean, How Curiosity is the Backbone of Thought-Provoking and Unique Journalism
PodcastadminSusan Orlean, The New Yorker, The Library Book, The Orchid Thief, Devotion Road, The Odyssey, Best Selling Author, The New York Times, Nicholas Cage, Chris Cooper, Tilda Swinton, Meryl Streep, Health Gig, Tricia Reilly Koch, Doro Bush Koch, Reading, Writing, Sanctuary, Meditation, books, book club, podcast, learner, journalist, journalism, adaptation